Friday, 21 March 2014

Welfare state

Welfare state

 A welfare is where the government gives support and provides a good quality life for the citizens. In the UK the government has welfare for there citizens such as free school. The citizens do not have to bay for the education and books. Secondly, in the UK they have free health care. However, foreign people also do not have to bay for hospital it is free and some citizens do not like this because it is unjust. The UK citizens get free education and free healthcare because they bay taxes every month. Also, people in the UK can work as long as they want. According to GOV.UK (2013) “Default retirement age (formerly 65) has been phased out - most people can now work for as long as they want to. “And this showed The United Kingdom have Welfare state. However, government can make more welfare states such as they can increase the salaries, therefore, they can have better life. Also they can decrease market price because market price in the UK is too high.
To conclude, in the UK they have a nice welfare sates. However, government can improve the welfare by increasing salaries or decrease market price.   


GOV.UK (2013) Retirement age.Available at:<>Accessed at : (19th March 2014) >(19th March 2014)


Young unemployment in the United Kingdom

Young unemployment in the United Kingdom
         Nowadays, United Kingdom population is around 63,182,000. However, United Kingdom citizens suffering from unemployment especially the young unemployed people. According to McGuinness.F(2014) stated that "912,000 young people aged 16-24 were unemployed in November 2013-January 2014, down 29,000 on the previous quarter and down 81,000 on the previous year." which show that youth people in the UK are suffering from lack of jobs and less opportunities to get employed. However, this situation maybe leads to negative actions for society. Young do not have income, therefore, they will try to get money in a different way such steeling, robbing and, burglary. Also, some young people feel that they have nothing to live for, therefore, they tend to take drags and some of them decide to commit suicide.

However, there are some solutions for the unemployed people. First solutions, is that government should make priority for the citizens than foreign people because the citizens have the rights for the jobs.
Secondly, government should decrease the age of retirement; therefore, young people can find jobs. Finally, there are some young people do not have qualifications to work, so they have 

In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK severs from lack of jobs for youth people. However, this problem increase the crimes and this generation are called the lost generation. However, there are some solutions for young unemployment and the first solution is government should employ the citizens first than foreign people. Second solution is they can decrease the age of retirement. Finally, In the future the young unemployment will increase if the government did not find solution for this problem.


parliament (2014) Youth unemployment statistics - Commons Library Standard Not
Available at:< >Accessed at : (20th March 2014) >Accessed at : (20th March 2014)

Crime and poverty in the UK

Crime and Poverty in the UK
The United Kingdom is a developed country with a large population. UK is suffering from crimes and poverty. However, crimes and poverty include old people, women and children and this effects on all society. The government has to fined solution for this problem as soon as possible. This essay will present one solution for the crimes and poverty.

First of all, every problem has reasons and the reason of crime is poverty. According to research, commissioned by the Association of Chief Officers of Probation," young offenders 'are invariably poor, often destitute."  People do not have money or job they try another way to have money such as stealing and robbing. First solution is that government should take tis people and find job for them. Also, some of them do not have enough qualifications for a job, therefore, government could improve these people. On the other hand, poverty is not a reason to commit a crime. Finally, poor people can ask for help, but not forcing people to give them money. 

In conclusion, the UK government is responsible for their citizens, therefore, they should know what their citizens want and help them as possible as they can. The reason of crimes is poverty people do not have money, so they can spend it in their family or for there self’s .The solution is that government should gives jobs for unemployment people. If the government tries this solution the poverty and crime will decrease in the next years


The independent (2014) Poverty 'pushing young into crime
'.Available at:<>Accessed at : (20th March 2014) > Accessed at : (20th March 2014)


Nowadays, there are many people are do not have money, jobs or house, so they sleep on the streets and they are called homelessness. According to BBC (2012) “The number of households declared in need of emergency accommodation in England rose by about 25% over the past three years, new figures sugges.”However, the government should build hostels, so the homeless can sleep in them and looking for jobs for them. This essay will present three solutions for homelessness.
However, there are many solutions for homelessness. Firstly, it is not just people sleeping on the streets. There are many homeless are have health problems such as pneumonia, frostbite, bronchitis and trench foot because the do not have money for medicine. In addition, the government should provide health centers especially for the homeless. For example, if a homeless has cancer and he or she does not have money to pay for the hospital he or she will die on the streets. The experience of homelessness can have seriously detrimental effects on your physical and mental wellbeing. According to CESISI (2012) "On average, homeless people die at 47 years old, thirty years before the national average of 77, homeless women die at 43 years old." The government is responsible of her citizens.
Secondly, most of the homeless are unemployed. According to CESISI (2012) "Homelessness damages people's capability through loss of skills, through an inability to think about employment whilst worrying about housing, and through their health becoming impaired whilst homeless." In addition, if he or she does not have a job they cannot pay for their food or living. However, the government might take them and develop their education, therefor they can apply for a job. After that, they can have income, therefore they can pay for their food, house, children, education and health care.

In conclusion , every problem in the world has solutions. However , the solutions for homelessness are developing their education ,therefore they can get a job. Build hostels to help them having a convenient night. And finally, government should provide health centers for the homeless.


BBC (2012) Homelessness 'rose 25% in England over past three years'.Available at:< >Accessed at : (19th March 2014)

CESISI (2012) Homeless people die 30 years before national average.Available at:< >Accessed at : (19th March 2014)

CESISI (2012) Causes and consequences.Available at:< >Accessed at : (19th March 2014)  >Accessed at : (19th March 2014)